Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510

Internet Safety

Helping to make the Internet a safer place for everyone to enjoy!

Internet Safety at Burpham Primary School

We take Internet Safety (keeping children safe online) very seriously at Burpham Primary School, treating it as a safeguarding and education issue.

Each term sees a new unit of Internet Safety taught from Reception through to Year 6. 

We have a network monitoring system which flags inappropriate words and phrases directly to the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher, to enable us to quickly deal with any potential Internet Safety issues. 

Internet Safety Outside of School

Internet Safety isn't just part of school life, it is also relevant at home and we would encourage you to have an open dialogue with your children about rules for computer use, internet access and parental controls which should be set on all devices the children have access to. 

Safer Internet Day

We celebrate Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day happens across the world in February and calls upon young people, parents, carers and teachers to join together in helping create a better internet.

During our Internet Safety Day, classes might undertake activities which highlight the positive uses of technology, discuss scenarios, take part in an assembly or watch a video about keeping safe online.

E-Safety resources for Children

These websites regarding E-Safety are suitable for children. Please share them with your child.


Seeking Advice and Reporting Issues

The internet can be a fantastic place for children and young people to be creative, talk to friends and have fun. However, just like in the real world sometimes things go wrong.

If you or your child are worried or upset about something which has happened on the internet and you need to seek advice or report it then please use the CEOP link below.


Age Appropriate Gaming

We wanted to share a useful website with our parents and carers regarding age ratings on games.

The Games Rating Authority website provides users with the opportunity to look up different games in order to find out about its age rating certificate and its contents. This is a very useful tool to help check how appropriate a game is for a child to play.


Internet Safety resources for Parents

We aim to inform you of any new resources that will help you to keep your children safe on-line. Below are links to some websites that are worth viewing.

A website which provides high-quality information to parents and carers regarding E-Safety.

 A highly recommended website which explains how to set parental controls on each device around the home.

CEOP's YouTube channel full of videos for parents and carers to help give advice and support when dealing with E-Safety issues. 

 Helpful advice and tools to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online .  The NSPCC also have a free online safety helpline for advice and support on setting up parental controls, adjusting privacy settings, understanding social networks and more - call the O2 NSPCC online safety helpline on 0808 800 5002 or visit  https://www.nspcc.org.uk/onlinesafety

 Helping parents and carers keep their children safe online.

There has been a big increase in children using You Tube to watch videos. Some videos are suitable for children but there is a lot of inappropriate content. This link explains how to set up restricted mode on You Tube.

Advice about how to set up parental controls on different devices. 

 Check the games that your children are playing. This website is amazing. You simply enter the details of the game and it gives an honest and clear review of the game and its content. They also have a brilliant section for parents.

Get the most out of tech and enjoy happy and safe digital lives. With regularly updated articles and expert advice, here you'll find plenty of resources and support - helping you make the right digital choices for your family.


A site with help on keeping children safe online.