Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510

Religious Education

In RE, we learn about different religions from around the world.

RE at Burpham

At Burpham Primary School, we follow the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools (2023-2028) which places great importance on pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Religious Education gives children in Burpham Primary School the opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them and we believe that Religious Education has much to offer our children as they prepare for life in this rapidly changing world, where critical thinking and discernment will be ever more important and valuable.


  • Teaching of Religious Education is of a high standard which helps to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, and of the other principal religions and beliefs represented in Great Britain.
  • Develop interest in and enthusiasm for the study of religion & beliefs while developing tolerance and respect towards all beliefs.
  • Develop the ability to make reasoned, informed and creative responses to religious and moral issues.
  • Recognise the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on the individual, on culture and on communities throughout the world.
  • Provide opportunities to reflect and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them.
  • Prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the present and the future.
  • Ensure a variety of learning opportunities are provided for the children such as, parent/children speakers across year groups and school trips to any local religious venues to enhance the children’s first-hand experiences.


  • We follow the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools (2023-2028) The new updated version has been issued and is now being implemented in school from September 2023.
  • The teaching of RE is in keeping with the government requirements and is often taught in blocks for the amount of time specified for each module in the Syllabus.
  • The lessons for each year group are planned by a person within the year group with support of the RE subject lead. The school have a NATRE account to aid affective and supportive teaching.
  • Concept maps have been provided for all year groups to aid with the teaching of RE ensuring a focus on God, identity and community.
  • Work in RE is assessed at the end of each module by the class teacher.
  • Subject leader observation and scrutiny of books ensures consistency between partner classes and appropriate progression
  • Pupils voice allows the understanding of engagement, progression and application of leaning.
  • Subject leader to engage training opportunities and prepare staff for any updates from the new guidelines when released.


  • Our children can make sense of the world and their place in it.
  • Children can connect learning from different religions and non-religious views.
  • Children are more empathetic and understanding towards peers.
  • Children are tolerant and respectful of different religions and non-religious views in their day to day lives and experiences.
  • Children have a good depth of knowledge of what they are learning and can connect ideas and recall previous learning.
  • Children’s work is celebrated on WOW walls and highlighted to parents on welcome days as work they are proud of.
  • Children have had access to high quality religious artefacts across the school for hands on experiences.


The children at Burpham were extremely lucky to be visited by the Church who taught the children the significance of Easter and what different religious crosses look like from around the world! Thank you to Jane for her visit. 

 Easter Assembly Burpham School.pptxDownload
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Year 5 were lucky enough to be visited by Mrs Kotecha who taught the children about Diwali as part of their learning about Hinduism. The children were highly engaged and found learning about this faith and celebration fascinating. We are thankful to Mrs Kotecha for sharing her faith and giving her time to support our children's learning!

We are proud of our RE learning!

Here are some examples of our work we have produced so far this year. We are really proud to share our learning with you! We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been learning about, here you will find examples from Reception all the way to year 6! 

Useful Documentation

 RE Vocab Progression.docxDownload
 Subject Curriculum Map RE.docxDownload
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