Pupil Premium Grant
Supporting Statement
Statistically Burpham Primary School has lower than national average numbers of children on free school meals (9% - which puts us in the lowest 20% of all schools for the proportion of FSM)*. Our deprivation levels are also consistently lower than the national average.
We firmly believe that knowing every child as an individual is vital to success and that every child has strengths which should be recognised and celebrated. Our school motto of “Spread your wings and fly high” underpins all our school aims and high pupil and staff expectations.
In order to remove barriers to learning :
- The cost of residential and day trips for pupils who meet the eligibility criteria for free school meals are covered using the Pupil Premium funding because we don’t want any child to miss out on valuable learning experiences due to hardship.
- The pupil premium grant can be used to fund places in the after school club and to purchase uniform and resources which may not be readily available to use at home.
- 36% of our disadvantaged pupils also have additional needs so a proportion of the funding is used to support targeted interventions which allow children to close gaps in learning swiftly.
- We know that in order to learn, children need to be healthy and happy and we place a high importance on promoting positive mental health. We have a dedicated ELSA and HSLW who prioritise disadvantaged pupils.
The impact of this spending is carefully measured in the following ways:
- Children are able to draw upon residential and day trip experiences in their learning – this is reflected in the work produced and will give them significant opportunities in a variety of subjects to show their enhanced knowledge and practical experiences.
- Children accessing interventions are assessed at the start of the intervention, have SMART targets and are assessed for progress and attainment at the end of the intervention period. Staff liaise closely to make links between intervention work and class learning and also link their learning to the wider world.
- Although it is hard to formally assess the emotional and social well-being of children, both the ELSA and HSLW use a system to show progress in children’s emotional and social understanding and also children’s self-assessment of how they feel they have progressed in their sessions.
Click on the school year below for full details:
In 2021 the Department for Education introduced a new format for schools to report on how they intend to spend the Pupil Premium Grant. Please note this is a working document and will be reviewed annually or if there are significant changes made.
Pupil Premium Grant 2024 to 2027
Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure - reviewed 2024
To apply for Free School Meals, please check the form below to see if you are eligible and then complete the form and hand it to the school office.