Welcome to Year 5 Kestrels and Falcons |
Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Below you will find lots of photos showing what we have been up to in class. There are also links to the Year 5 curriculum and our termly newsletters. Towards the bottom of the page, you will find links to both the Kestrels and the Falcons Google Classroom pages. There are also suggestions below of books your child might like to read. If you would like to support your child further with their learning, you will also find some useful links to websites which can help you. Please contact your child's class teacher, using their e mail below, if you have any queries or concerns. We will reply as soon as possible.
Mrs Curtis Kestrels' Class Teacher |
Mrs Warrington Falcons' Class Teacher |
Mrs Zupnik Falcons' Class Teacher |
News and Upcoming Events
Kestrels Class Assembly
Friday 7th February 9.00-9.30am
Falcons Class Assembly
Friday 14th February 9.00 - 9.30am
Year 5 enjoyed a visit from Portals to the Past for our Viking Day. Many of the children dressed up and there were some fabulous costumes, shields and tools on display. Thank you for all your efforts in supporting the children in this! We learnt a lot as well as having a fun and exciting day. We played a Viking strategy game, fox and goose; handled Viking artefacts from ice skates and blankets to magic wands and jewellery; wrote and read Viking runes; researched answers to a quiz; handled weapons and armoury; played spear wrestling; trained in Viking warfare; and re-enacted the mythical end of the world, 'ragnarok'. The children asked questions showing their curiosity and showcased so much of the Viking History they have learnt so far when answering questions.
Autumn 2 has been another action-packed half term. We have been making fire, baking Viking bread and working on our communication skills and resilience in the wildlife area. We have enjoyed learning about forces in Science including making boats and testing their buoyancy, easing loads with pulleys and experimenting with cogs and levers. We were lucky enough to learn to play cricket with a coach from Surrey County Cricket club. To celebrate Christmas, we made decorations for the school, watched the Robin Hood pantomime at the Yvonne Arnaud theatre, performed carols to open the school fair, and took part in a carol service at Burpham Church.
We have had a busy half term in Falcons and Kestrels. Year 5 children represented Burpham School in two cross country events, a football and hockey tournament and a panathlon. We enjoyed had lacrosse lessons with visitors from Guildford High School. Harvest Festival was celebrated with a performance of "The Harvest Moon" to the rest of the school. You can also see some of our Science work on forces and Geography work on biomes in the photos. The children have been curious to learn and worked well together in teams, inside and outdoors. What a great start to the year!
Recommended Reads
If you are stuck for a good read, follow the link below to search for some great ideas. The website has selected 50 top books from which we are sure you will find one to tempt you!
Useful Documents
Meet the Teacher Slides from Friday 20th September meeting.
Useful Websites
Here are some links to useful learning websites. If your child has forgotten their login details for TT Rockstars or Spelling Shed, please contact your child's class teacher.
- Pobble365 - https://pobble365.com/
- Spelling Shed - https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
- Reading - https://www.booksfortopics.com/booklists/recommended-reads/year-5/
- TT Rockstars - https://ttrockstars.com/
- White Rose - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
- NRICH - https://nrich.maths.org/
- Topmarks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
- SCRATCH - https://scratch.mit.edu/
- Barefoot Computing - https://www.barefootcomputing.org/homelearning
- Language Angels - https://www.languageangels.com/schools/
- Duolingo - www.duolingo.com
Supporting Learning at Home
- Homework is set weekly on Tuesdays, and collected in on Mondays. This consists of one piece of Maths homework and one piece of English homework. We suggest spending a maximum of 30 minutes on each piece.
- Our weekly spelling lists can be found on Google Classroom.
Here are some additional resources, which you may find useful when supporting learning at home:
If you would like to consolidate our Maths learning at home, please take a look at the booklets below:
Name | |
1. Place Value Consolidation.pdf | Download |
2. Addition and Subtraction Consolidation.pdf | Download |
3. Decimals Consolidation.pdf | Download |
4. Multiplication and Division Consolidation (1).pdf | Download |
5. Multiplication and Division Consolidation (2).pdf | Download |
6. Fractions Consolidation (1).pdf | Download |
7. Fractions Consolidation (2).pdf | Download |
In the event of school closure...
On rare occasions, it may be necessary to close the school. This may be due to adverse weather conditions or perhaps when essential school services cannot be provided –e.g. heating, plumbing or water.
Please refer to the School’s Bad Weather Policy on our website for information regarding how we communicate a school closure.
Class teachers will then initiate home school learning activities, and these will be available to children by 10am of the same morning.