Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510



In History we learn about events from the past and from important people

History at Burpham

The aim of our History Curriculum  is to inspire and develop children’s natural curiosity about the world; the significant people, events and developments from the past that have paved the way to the present day. The curriculum is designed around the substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and skills. This is to ensure that pupils are equipped not only with key historical knowledge but are progressively understanding how historians work to make sense of the past as well as developing their ability to pose questions and communicate their understanding. 


  • Promote a love of curiosity about the past.
  • Provide a rich and engaging curriculum that exposes children to knowledge of Local, British and World history.
  • Allow opportunities for learning through enquiry where children can ask questions, carry out research and build on their own knowledge.
  • Provide learning opportunities that allow the children to question, interpret and analyse a range of historical evidence to inform their judgements about the past.
  • Follow a mastery approach to teaching History where the whole class learn together. 
  • Allow children to develop the power of resilience and perseverance with their learning in History.
  • Engage all children and ensure they have the same learning opportunities.
  • Promote a ‘learning together’ environment where the teachers and children share knowledge, build on their own learning experience and learn from each other.


  • Follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 & 2.
  • History subject medium term plans to outline the substantive knowledge, key vocabulary, prior learning, chronological knowledge and disciplinary knowledge.
  • Flexible coverage of History across the year; teaching is timetabled specifically to aid the learning of the children.
  • History is taught discretely as topic lessons and where appropriate, it is linked to the wider curriculum where the links complement and support the learning of history.
  • Planned opportunities for retrieval of key learning allowing links to be made between the current topic and past knowledge that the children have acquired.
  • High quality resources are used to support teaching and learning including: the local environment, visuals, photographs, artefacts, written materials and IT materials.
  • Enrichment experiences provide an engaging and interactive experience of history learning allowing children to build on their growing understanding.
  • Opportunities are given for children to reflect on their learning.
  • Throughout lessons, children have the opportunity to investigate and learn independently or as part of a group.
  • Learning takes place in a safe space; children feel confident to share their thoughts, ask questions and make mistakes.



Our children:

  • Enjoy learning about the past. 
  • Can demonstrate a coherent narrative of Britain’s past.
  • Can recall significant people and events related to their learning. 
  • Show an awareness of how historians construct their understanding of the past.
  • Can talk with enthusiasm and confidence about their learning using appropriate historical vocabulary.


 Overview of History Learning.pdfDownload
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News and Events 

Year 3 Stone Age Day

The Year 3 children thoroughly enjoyed their experiences of life as it would have been in The Stone Age. They came face to face with many artefacts that dated from the period which was thrilling! During the morning, the children had the opportunity to handle many artefacts and to consider what materials might have been available to people living tens of thousands of years ago. 

In the afternoon, there was an opportunity to consider what foods the Stone Age people would have found to help them survive. They even hunted down a fairly realistic Woolly Mammoth!

There were a lot of opportunities to learn from evidence about how Stone Age people managed to survive for so long -without fridges, supermarkets and phones! 

Learning from evidence

Using resources on loan from Godalming Museum, the children have had the opportunity to be archaeologist to consider what each of the items might be used for. 

Year 4 Ancient Egypt Day

Stone Age Day in Year 3

Supporting your child with History 

Here are some websites and resources that you may find useful in supporting your child with their learning in History. 



