Welcome to the PSA!
At Burpham School, we are extremely fortunate to have a very enthusiastic and supporting parent body who allow us to raise a significant amount of money for the school each year. Over the last few years, the PSA has funded a new MUGA, Multi-Use Games Area that all students have access to and a refurbishment of the Wildlife Area and Infant library. This year they have funded new books for classroom reading areas and are currently fundraising to create an outdoor learning space.
Our new Chair is Eleanor Griffiths (appointed Sept 23)
The PSA issue regular newsletters that are sent out via Parentmail. The newsletters are a great way to communicate with parents, allowing the PSA to celebrate the successes of the previous half-term and let you know any information you may need for future events.
Each year group has four representatives who attend PSA meetings (although they are open to anyone so please do attend if you are interested), help with events, organise socials events and gifts for teachers at the end of term. Please do make yourself known to them as they will ensure you have up to date information.
If you would like to help in anyway please do get in touch with us at burphamschoolpsa@hotmail.com